Helmet Protection?

Helmet Protection?
That isn't very protective

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Helmets on the Ground Don't Protect Our Athletes

Although everyone understands that helmets are an essential accessory to athletes in contact sports, but no one really wants to make them stronger or more sturdy. If you watch football, you are used to seeing a running back smacked by a linebacker in the backfield. Many people find excitment in seeing helmets flying up into the air and rolling across the field. This is a major problem though, and concussions are a common result of such actions. The straps that hold helmets onto the heads of our athletes are not sturdy enough due to the simplicity of the single strap.

"In 2007 the National Federation of High School Sports enacted a rule requiring that chin straps be attached with four snaps. In 2008, the rule was clarified to require four separate attachment points."

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